Help Vale

Vale survives financially with your help and welcomes donations of time, money, materials and equipment.

Vale survives financially with your help and welcomes donations of time, money, materials and equipment.

Hundreds of people both as individuals and through their affiliation with various Schenectady area organizations have helped Vale Cemetery survive.

Volunteer at Vale

Please consider volunteering at Vale, we have opportunities to fit any schedule and lifestyle.

Throughout the year, Vale relies on local volunteer groups to help cleanup the 100-acre cemetery. There are no paid workers to do this.

Special work days are needed: raking leaves, clearing brush and limbs, removing trash are worth thousands of dollars to Vale.

Union College, Key Bank and General Electric have helped annually. Your group can help too! Also: Special skills like painting, carpentry, electrical and paving work can be tax deductible. Every little bit helps and no contribution is too small.

Donate to Vale

Vale Cemetery Preservation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and tax-deductible organization dedicated to preserving and maintaining the beauty of Vale.

It is easy to make a tax-deductible contribution to Vale. Many times the GE Foundation will match your gift.

Vale is also looking for donations of tools and materials; used vehicles – boat, riding mower, gardening or landscape tools.

Make checks out to Vale Cemetery Preservation, Inc. and mail to: 907 State St. Schenectady, N.Y. 12307 Please notify the G.E. Foundation of your gift by calling 1-800-305-6669 or by visiting their website,

Volunteers from General Electric at Vale.
Volunteers from General Electric at Vale.

Vale Cemetery Preservation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and tax-deductible organization.
All content © Vale Cemetery Preservation, Inc., 2006-2024